Saturday, December 26, 2009

"Mommy, you're under 'a rest' "

Our friends from England sent Beck a super cool Policeman costume for Christmas. The costume came with a little plastic walkie-talkie and handcuffs. When Beck opened the gift wrapping, he saw the handcuffs through the bag and said "OH LOOK! Hookers - to hook you with!" We had to correct him more than a few times (through laughter) that they were called handcuffs!

Beck had so much fun pretending to be a Policeman. He kept arresting me, saying "Mommy, you're under arrest. Come over here for a rest." I'm pretty sure he thought getting arrested means you get a rest. I'm all for getting 'a rested' if that's what it means!

When he had me 'hooked', I suggested he use his walkie-talkie to call for back up. He picked up the walkie-talkie, and said, "...calling for back up...hey, we're backing up", then proceeded to shuffle backwards. What a funny Policeman!

Videos below:

You're Under Arrest! from Family Stew on Vimeo.

Calling for Back Up from Family Stew on Vimeo.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Cool Jeep!

The look on Beck's face says it all! He was shocked when we convinced him to go down to the basement and he saw the John Deere Jeep that Grandma and Grandpa Stewart got him! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa! Beck's going to have so much fun with it this summer!

Videos Below:

Christmas Morning

Santa came! Just as Beck had hoped for, Santa brought him some Lego and a couple of Transformers. Yipee! Santa also must have known how much Beck loves Astro Boy, because he gave him some Astro Boy action figures as well. SO COOL!!

Beck and Daddy playing with Astro Boy, The Peacekeeper, and Trashcan
Beck reading one of the great books from Santa

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"Some Lego and a couple of Transformers, please!"

Beck was a little shy this year and would only wave to Santa from afar. Then one day after Playschool, Beck said "I think I can sit on Santa's knee today Mommy." Those were the words I was waiting to hear! I took him to the mall straight away, before he lost his nerve, but I didn't have anything to worry about. He was so excited that he kept squealing and dancing around. They had a great visit with some giggles and lots of high-fives.

Friday, November 20, 2009

School Picture Day

Playschool Pictures - Age 3.5 years old

Our little man has grown up so much and this year was filled with milestones! First he started using the real toilet, traded his crib for a big boy bed, started playschool, can make friends all on his own, and can carry a real conversation with me and make me laugh! We are so proud of him and are so lucky to be his parents!
However, in order to get Beck to pose for the picture above, Daddy first had to have *his* school picture taken. We are very proud of Daddy too!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fun Orange Valance!

It was so much fun making Beck's valance with my mom (Granny)'s friend Mona. Beck really wanted to help, and was holding the fabric while Mona sewed the hem and helping us measure out the distance between the tabs. We were all so happy with the final result. Especially Beck!

Daddy made the shelves above. Surf's up!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Lovely Canmore

My mom, Beck and I drove to Canmore to visit mom's friend Mona and her husband, Frank. Mona had kindly offered to help me sew a valance for Beck's room. We brought all the materials and Mona did all the hard work. She insisted she enjoyed it! All I had to do was find buttons and finish making the loops.

We had a great time that day! Mona and Frank treated us to a delicious homemade lunch in the middle of our sew-fest, and we even had time for a play at the park before we left for home.

Thanks for the wonderful day, Mona and Frank, and for the amazing help with the valance, Mona!

Saturday, October 31, 2009



Thursday, October 15, 2009

And Then There Was Snow!

Ah, to live in Canada! The kids can be splashing in a pool one day, and a few weeks later, tobogganing down the hills! Beck went tobogganing with his nanny, Mary Ann, and some of his friends and their nannies. They had so much fun!

Beck is sitting behind his friend on the toboggan, and Mary Ann is in the back on the left, holding the baby girl in the blue snow suit.
Beck (in front) and Catie:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Wiggles!

Can you point your fingers and do the twist? Yes, yes we can! We had a blast at The Wiggles concert today.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Splish Splash!

I wish I could have bottled the sound of the giggles in our back yard that afternoon! Can you hear it when you look at these pictures?


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