Beck is officially growing up!
It started when Beck said "good bye" to diapers (he quit cold turkey!) at the end of June. He still wears a pull-up at night, but he has actually been getting out of bed in the middle of the night to go to the potty without even coming to get us, and waking up with a dry pull-up. We are absolutely in awe! Again, we owe it all to the Guru, Kitty Raymond of Raymond Parenting! Her techniques really work!
The same weekend he started using the potty, we decided to set up his big boy bed. He helped us dismantle his crib, then after Daddy was finished re-painting the one wall in his room, he helped us reassemble his big boy bed. He was so excited that he couldn't wait to go to bed that night! Daddy built a little guard rail which we realized after a few nights in the bed that he doesn't really need it, but he loves looking through the holes! So for now, it'll stay.
Now I just need some inspiration to on the redecoration. I'm in love with the new blue on the wall, but the rest of the walls are still beige. I bought two more cans of paint, one in the same green which is in his duvet cover, and one in orange which is also in a thin stripe in the duvet cover. I painted the little stool in the orange, so you can see that it's quite bright. Next to the bed is a side table and directly across from the bed is a 3-drawer dresser which match the bed. I will be replacing the drawer knobs with ones I painted in the pale blue, green and orange. I also bought three canvases and I'm going to get Beck to paint them in blue, green and orange and those will go on the wall over his bed. After that, I've drawn a blank. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! I need as much help as I can get! Can you think of any creative paint techniques I could do? Do you think I should paint the other walls, and if so, should I paint them blue as well, or use the other colours I have?
I'll post more pictures as the room starts to take shape.