Saturday, May 30, 2009

Music Concert

Beck absolutely loved his music class this year. We were enrolled in Music with your Baby at Mount Royal College Conservatory every Saturday morning from the end of January until the end of May. His first class was rough, he cried and clung to me for the first half of class, then hid under a chair for the second half of class. However, the very next class he was already singing his responses back to the teacher and playing the big xylophone and the drum. He loved it all and looked forward to class and would sing the songs throughout the week.

At the end of the session, each class performed one song at a Concert held in a theatre at the College. Although Beck didn't feel like taking center stage during his music class' rendition of "Wheels on the Bus", he did sit on the edge of the stage with his Granny, quietly sang along and waved. He was also a fabulous cheerleader for all the other classes and had a lot of fun singing along with the other children's performances. The ladies' man was alive and strong though, as he played over the back of the chair with his adorable classmate, Emma!



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