Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fun with Daddy!

I'm not sure which boy was more excited for this water spray ride, Beck or Daddy? I thought I would be safe on the bridge over the water, but Beck managed to find the crack in the wood and spray my feet - tricky little guy!

Mommy's Favourite Ride

"Mommy, will this train take us all the way to those mountains?"


Oh, the rush!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Riding "By My Own"

I think we are becoming regular fixtures at Calaway Park this year! Beck is at the perfect age to start really enjoying all the rides, and the independence that comes from being able to ride so many of the rides on his own (or as he says "by my own"). When did my little boy start growing up?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day!


We spent the day at Spruce Meadows, watching the horse jumping, playing in the park and having pony rides! The best part was just wandering around, holding hands, laughing and enjoying spending time together. Three proud Canadians!!


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